How To Write a Test Script With JUnit and Selenium?


JUnit, a Java-based open-source framework that is used primarily for unit testing Java projects, is popular. You can use Selenium to test web apps or websites. Selenium can be used alone, but testing with JUnit combined will help to create more structured test cases. JUnit annotations are use to identify test methods. JUnit is popular for cross-browser testing because of its ability to group assertions and make it easy to maintain tests.

Major Importance Of Unit Testing

Unit testing is the first level of web application testing. It involves testing individual components or units of a website app. Unit testing’s core purpose is to verify that every component of an app works as it should. A Unit testing is done during the application development phase. Developers then test each unit in sequence.

Unit testing helps reduce higher-level defects, bug-fixing costs, and other issues. It is much easier to identify and fix bugs if unit testing is done during the development phase.

There are four steps to unit testing:

  • Creating test cases: Create multiple test cases for different web app components.
  • Review/Rewrite: Perform a review and, if needed, rewrite the test cases.
  • Baseline: Analyzing whether each line of code is structure.
  • Test Execution: Finally, the test cases are run using an online Selenium Grid.

To carry out unit testing, developers use unit testing frameworks to automate unit tests, allowing them to validate the code’s accuracy.

All About JUnit Framework

JUnit is an open-source framework that allows you to test Java-based web applications. It can be used with Selenium WebDriver for automating the testing of web applications. You can also create test cases with JUnit in a better and more structured format.

JUnit tests every unit or component in your application. This includes classes and methods. To ensure that your code works correctly, it is useful to create and execute automated tests. To test your web apps or websites, you can also use Selenium JUnit testing.

Importance Of JUnit Testing

JUnit is a Java testing tool that offers many benefits for Java-based projects. JUnit testing has the following benefits:

  • Code reliability is improve by identifying issues early in development.
  • This allows developers to spend more time understanding code than writing it. This makes the code more readable and reliable, which is a key to bug-free development.
  • JUnit is an open-source framework. This means that it has a wider community.
  • It is ideal for Test-Driven Development (TDD).

Important Features Of JUnit Testing

JUnit allows Java developers to perform unit testing, thereby increasing their development speed and quality. Below are some of the key features of JUnit’s testing framework.

  • An open-source framework.
  • You can integrate with IDEs like Eclipse, IntelliJ, etc., to run code quickly and efficiently.
  • To help create a reliable delivery pipeline, integrate with the best CI/CD tools like TeamCity, Jenkins, and TeamCity.

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  • This section provides assertions that will help you to compare actual and expected results.
  • Annotations are provided to assist you in identifying the type of test method.
  • This creates a test suite with multiple test cases and other test sets.
  • It includes a Test Runner that allows for the easy execution of test suites.
  • This improves the quality of the test codes by making them more readable and attractive.
  • Create HTML reports for JUnit testing.

Steps To Set JUnit Environment For Your First Test

Do you want to create a JUnit environment? This section of the JUnit tutorial will show you how to download, install and configure JUnit. If you’re just getting started with JUnit implementation or testing, JDK must be install on your system. Let’s start with the prerequisites.

  • Java can be install
  • Install JUnit Environment
  • Configure Environment Variables in JUnit
  • JUnit CLASSPATH Variable Configuration

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You can find detailed information on how to set up JUnit environments in our JUnit testing tutorial. We’ll also discuss using JUnit with Eclipse or IntelliJ – two popular IDEs for Java programming. You can dynamically add dependencies to JUnit via Maven, or you can refer to the dependencies as ‘local dependencies’ (or External libraries)

There are two options for JUnit testing: IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse. IntelliJ IDE has a more user-friendly interface than Eclipse IDE. You can also use JUnit with an online Selenium Grid such as LambdaTest or a local Selenium Grid.

How To Perform JUnit Automation Testing With Selenium?

Selenium with JUnit is a popular choice for testing cloud services for web applications. Why? Because it can run the script on many browsers and platforms with any language support.

Here’s a quick overview of JUnit testing using Selenium:

  • Download JUnit Jars
  • To your Selenium project, add Jars
  • JUnit methods and annotations can be incorporate into Selenium test scripts
  • Automation testing using JUnit or Selenium with cloud testing platforms such as LambdaTest.

Additionally, you can leverage benefits such as live-interactive manual testing, responsive testing, and a Selenium Grid of 3000+ browsers. In addition, you can capture full-page screenshots of your websites through a single test session across 25 different browsers and operating systems.

All About Annotations In JUnit

JUnit Annotations allow us to identify the types of methods that are declare in our test code. Annotations are metatags that provide information about the methods or classes in our code structure. JUnit Annotations are required to run the Selenium WebDriver test using JUnit.

JUnit Annotations can only be used in JUnit 4+ versions. They require JDK 1.5. These are some of the JUnit Annotations standards.

  1. i) @BeforeClass: It initializes any object within a running test case. The BeforeClass method only allows us to instantiate objects once. @BeforeClass JUnit is an annotation that executes some statements before each test case in the script.
  2. ii) @Before: An annotation is use when we want to initialize an object during a method’s execution. AlosIf we have five test cases, the Before function will be call five times before each test method. It would then be called every time a test case is run. This annotation is use to set up test environments.

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iii) @Test: When the @Test annotation is attached to public void method(), a test case can be run. It contains the test method of an application you wish to test. Multiple test methods can be included in an automation test script.

  • iv) @After: All annotations made in the @Before annotation should be published in the @After annotation.

This annotation is executed after each test method.

    1. The @After annotation serves the primary purpose of deleting temporary data (Teardown).

Teardown can be used to set default values or wipe out the test environment.

  • v) @AfterClass: All the annotations made in the @BeforeClass method should be publish in the @AfterClass method.

This annotation can only be executed once after all tests are completed.

  1. vi) @Ignore: This annotation tells JUnit not to execute this method. To prevent a test case from failing, we can temporarily place the code module in the @Ignore method. Native JUnit 4 offers extensive reporting that will help you see the number and failures of the tests ignored.

Final Verdict!

JUnit framework is use primarily for unit testing Java projects. You can also use it with Selenium WebDriver for automating websites and web applications. It is smart to leverage JUnit with Selenium for cross-browser testing. This allows you to write your tests more efficiently and improves quality.

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