A Comprehensive Guide to Implement E-commerce SEO in 2021

ecommerce seo

SEO for an eCommerce website is a necessary tool to generate more views, leads, and profit. It was not invented a long time back, but the importance is relevant and impactful in modern-day marketing and business promotion. All businesses and eCommerce websites rely on SEO to perform better in the market and have more sales organically.

Webtechshops allows you to manage your website. Ecommerce websites, stores, and services need SEO experts or dedicated SEO agencies in order to thrive in the industry.  Ecommerce SEO experts are required by online retail businesses for the sole purpose of making the store more visible to the virtual world.

Post gathering raw materials and producing your finished product, the only thing left to do is promote your product to the world outside. In order to promote the product, you need to reach the world first and for that, SEO works the best. The aim is to make your website appear on top of the search results.

Generally, eCommerce websites feature some forms on them that the user needs to fill up before subscribing to a product or service. These websites have forms to collect user data and offer the users a personalized experience if they want it. This feature should ensure that all the user data is encrypted.

As the user data entails much personal information, encrypting all of this data would ensure security to both the customer and the business. Also, it is a wise practice to encrypt and secure all user data. Apart from that, the rest of the job of promoting can be done through an eCommerce SEO agency.

Short Guide to Implementing eCommerce SEO

Optimize Website URL

Optimizing the eCommerce website URL is not something that comes to your mind readily. However, it does not mean that proper attention should not be paid to it. It is not very noticeable, but it plays a slightly important role in making a user click on your website.

The URL of your website should not be in any way, messy or jumbled. Short, sweet and clear is the way to go for website URLs. Your website URL slugs should be as clear as possible for the maximum amount of user retention. You can take a look at how to get short and clear URLs for your website pages in the following points:

  1. Wherever it is possible, avoid using URL parameters
  2. To separate words, use hyphens rather than spaces or other characters
  3. Context and material of the page must be clear in the URL
  4. The URL should be concise and clear
  5. It is advisable to use the primary or head keyword of the page’s content.

Create and Optimize H1, Meta Data, and Descriptions

Meta titles, tags, and descriptions are some of the important considerations for SEO implementation. As a growing eCommerce website, your website might have a lot of pages. It can get quite tiresome to come up with unique and efficient meta descriptions for all of those pages.

It is not an easy task to create new and unique meta descriptions for each page, so it is best to hire the best eCommerce SEO company. A qualified and dedicated eCommerce SEO company can work wonders for your website to improve traffic and visibility.

Most eCommerce websites stick to traditional methods of implementing SEO, such as using a templated approach to create their meta tags. A templated approach is basically formatting the products and categorizing them, like ‘Buy Sports Shoes for Running’.

Now, though the templated approach might seem like an ideal way, it does not work every time. As SEO practices are ever-changing, there are many new and unique ways to implement SEO on your website.

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Putting some extra effort into optimizing the meta title and descriptions of your website’s pages can go a long way in improving its visibility. A modern way to implement SEO on your website is by adopting the hybrid approach. In this hybrid approach, you put effort and time into optimizing the most important and relevant pages’ content.

All the other pages’ content can be optimized with the traditional templated approach for saving time and improving efficiency.

Structure of Your eCommerce Website

A well-formed and organized structure of a website can attract a lot more customers than normal.  On the other hand, a disorganized and messy website structure can put off users and discourage them from exploring the website. The structure and organization of your website’s pages is a key tool to improve traffic.

To have an impactful website structure, you must consult an eCommerce SEO agency. They provide a comprehensive set of services that assists you in forming a welcoming website structure and attracting users to your website. Experts are also a good choice for SEO implementation.

Hired professionals are diligent and help you work with SEO and marketing strategies with the latest ways and methods. This is why you should hire professionals instead of freelancers for applying SEO practices. The structure of a website is the foundation of it and the foundation of a website should be no less than superior.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is the most basic step in SEO implementation. However, for eCommerce businesses, keyword research might be a little different. Being the most basic step, it is also the most important aspect in implementing eCommerce SEO.

For making keyword research for your eCommerce website you must follow the following steps:

  1. List all the pages on the website
  2. Research keywords on a page-by-page basis
  3. Find all the appropriate keywords and map them to each page

Although it is not as simple as it sounds, the eCommerce SEO experts can guide you through making all of these steps perfectly. Once you follow an organized way of setting up SEO for your eCommerce website, your business will be ready to succeed and grow.


SEO practices are updated and enhanced very frequently with the evolving Google search engine algorithm. To stay updated with current ways of SEO, you need to find a professional from the best eCommerce SEO company to drive website traffic.

Following the above-mentioned guide with the assistance of a professional will ensure that you get the best services and results. Being the owner and caretaker of an eCommerce store, your first priority is to stay updated with all the new online trends.

Staying updated will all the recent online trends will help you with making more sales and achieving success in the long run.

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